Requirements for abstracts

  1. The text should be computered-printed in the MS Word text editor, saved under the participant's last name with initials in Latin letters, for example, "Ivanov_SP".
  2. Word, Times New Roman font, size 12 pt., line interval 1.5 with width alignment. The volume is up to 10,000 characters, including spaces and a list of references. Margins: top and bottom – 2.0 cm, left and right – 2.5 cm.
  3. Drawings and graphs should have a clear image and be kept in black and white (black hatching is possible).
  4. Manual transfers should be avoided (manual hyphenation).
  5. Footnotes are not allowed in the text.
  6. Abstracts should contain the following output information in Russian and English (for English-speaking participants - only in English):
    1. the title of the article (on a new line, symmetrically centered, bold, no more than 100 characters);
    2. on the next line on the left edge, italicized-the surname, initials of the author (for each author in the Russian – language part of the abstracts-first name, in the English - language-first name);
    3. on the next line on the left edge – the current status (student, graduate student or specify the position), if you have an academic degree, specify;
    4. on the next line on the left edge, italics-the full name of the organization, city, country;
    5. on the next line on the left edge – ORCID (how to get the author's ORCID) and an email address.
  7. The list of references is made out in a line from the text (no more than 5 main sources) in accordance with ГОСТ 7.1-2003.
  8. The theses should clearly state the scientific novelty, the problem under consideration, the approach used to solve it, and the main results obtained.
  9. Abstracts should be written correctly, without spelling, punctuation and stylistic errors. The author is responsible for the scientific content and presentation of the material.
  10. Abstracts that do not meet the requirements and are sent later than the specified deadline will not be considered and published.
IMPORTANT! The abstracts will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
  • originality of the text (previously unpublished materials)
  • scientific novelty
  • problem statement
  • methodology
  • results of research
  • compliance with the issues of the conference